We're pretty much no where near spring. Not where I live. But I've got a pretty intense urge to declutter and organize. Maybe I'm trying to force spring to come by doing so, who knows. But it feels good. I did quite a lot today. I threw out things I'd glossed over many times before. My husband told me to stop because I kept asking him what such and such was for, and whether he needed it. Lol. Too bad. Once I'm in the zone I can't stop. He understands. He gets that way too sometimes. But I guess it's annoying when it's not you.
I love the idea of living simply. If I could set up a tent in the woods and live off the land I'd be pretty happy. But alas, that's not very practical. Especially where it gets to minus 40. Lol. So I guess I'll just have to do what I can...
Our crock pot broke a few days ago. Well, Tyler broke it. I was pretty mad at first. Not gonna lie. It was huge, and relatively new. It seemed like such a waste. But after a few minutes I realized it really was no big deal. Who needs a crock pot, really? It's almost not worth the massive amount of space it takes up. Sure it makes a mean pulled pork but I think we'll survive. Lol. We've decided not to replace it.
Just one step towards living more simply.
If you have a ceramic stock pot or dutch oven, you get the crockiness in a multi-fuctional piece of cookware. I think crock pots are a waste of money.